We’re excited to welcome these twenty four homeschool programs to Auburndale this spring to compete for the Hendricks Cup, including FIVE first-time participants:
Austin, TX Texans Baltimore, MD CHEN Chargers Carrollton, TX TACA Storm Charlotte, NC Stampede Dallas, TX HSAA Angels Ellis County, TX ECCHO Eagles* Evergreen, CA Sierras* Fairfax, VA FHS Hawks* Flint, MI CHASE Conquerors* Ft. Worth, TX THESA Riders Houston, TX HCYA Eagles Houston, TX Northside Falcons |
Houston, TX WHHSA Thunder Lutz, FL SALT Spartans Memphis, TN MHEA Eagles Nashville Middle TN Monarchs Oklahoma City, OK Broncos Raleigh, NC WCHS Warriors Richmond, VA CVHAA Patriots Springdale, AR NWA Hornets Springfield, MO Lighthouse Chargers* St. Louis, MO Patriots Tulsa, OK NOAH Jaguars Winston-Salem, NC FHE Hawks |
* first-time participants at the Homeschool World Series
The action will kickoff with our Opening Ceremonies at 9am Monday May 2 at the Lake Myrtle Sports Complex in Auburndale, Florida. Best of luck to all the programs for their spring seasons – we’ll see you there!